Tuesday, December 4, 2012

He is alive!  Nursing and working left little time for my blogging which I never claimed to do well anyway.  Your interest in Sam's recovery is deeply appreciated and definitely not taken for granted.  Please accepts my apologies and our gratitude for your persistence in staying in touch with his progress.

This Thursday, Dec. 6th will be the four weeks post-op mark.  This means he is allowed to lift a gallon of milk or 8lbs.  I am sure the 9 lb skillet he used last night to prepare catfish did not count.

The path report was good news.  The carcinoma was confined to the prostate.  His followup appt. will be Dec. 21st the day before his birthday, one for which he will be very grateful.

We managed to get to Siesta Key last week to get in some much needed walking.

Prayers work!!!! ...even the ones who prayed for Dr. Jenkins.  As Kelly Healy said,
"We covered all bases."  God bless you all.

One of the best parts of life is the seeing, feeling, and knowing you have loved ones.  Thanks for being there for us.

Sam & Pam

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Catching UP

The trip home from the hospital was a bit scary, but with one emergency stop in Bardstown, we did make it.  Today, Sunday, he has had two good nights of rest and walked around the circle in the subdivision each day.  He is now on a regular diet and has a very good appetite.  Soreness in his abdomen is his biggest challenge.  Overall he really could not be improving at any better pace.  Thanks for all prayers.  They have truly been answered. Love Sam and Pam 


Sorry everybody, I put this in the comment section rather than the post section.

The Model Patient had a great night. He has made three laps this morning and some coffee and orange juice.
We anticipate fleeing here before 1pm. No confirmation on that just yet. Pam

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Sam has been in his room for about three hours.  He is taking naps off and on. No water or ice chips so that is not fun. At 5 am he can have full liquids. We will attempt a walk (with assistance) in about an hour.  Pain med schedule (IV) 9 pm, Midnight, and 5 am. Love that about hospitals. . . Waking you up to give you sleeping meds.  (Just kidding). We are both pretty excited about the possibility of going home tomorrow. We are still in shock that could happen!  Will probably not send another update until tomorrow. AGAIN, thank you all for the many prayers and good will wishes.  We are blessed to have such close friends and family. It was wonderful to have Elizabeth and Chris here last night and all day today.   Love, hugs, and blessings to all. Pam


Dr. Smith says they saw no areas of concern outside the prostate. Looks like he can go home tomorrow if he does well tonight. Prayers are powerful. God BLESS and thanks to all. More later Pam


The Michael Jackson juice has been administered. Estimated time for surgery 2-4 hours.
Chris and Elizabeth are here. Dr Smith said he would try to get him out of here tomorrow which is NOT what he had told us before. Because we were so far away from home he had wanted him to stay two nights in the hospital. Hopefully, I will have that conversation with Dr. Smith while Sam is sleeping. Thanks again for all the encouragement you all are sending. I am reading them all to Sam and he is quite humbled. More later. Pam

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

We have completed an afternoon of blood work and an EKG.  The Cafe at the clinic has a great green jello. Pam said her turkey burger was pretty good. It helps when your lunch companion is eating something you would not even go near. It will be a long night...the surgery has been delayed until 11:00 (originally supposed to ck in at 6am and be in OR at 7:30 am). Oh well, maybe I can have two milk shakes for dinner. Pam is checking Maggie Moo's flavor menu. During pre-admission today, Pam was given a password so she can follow the progress of the surgery. Thanks again for all your prayers and well wishes. Sam and Pam

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

November 6th, 2012

Hello there!
After 16 yrs of enjoying a cancer free life, I find myself headed for another journey. You all have been very attentive and kind since learning of my positive biopsy and Pam and I are deeply grateful for all the prayers and well wishes.  You all have asked to be in the loop and this seemed the likely way to honor that request.

We will depart for Nashville early Wednesday morning.  At 1:30 pm we report to the Clinic for Pre-Operative treatment and counseling.  The evening at the nearby Hampton Inn will certainly be a lovely liquid diet for me (maybe even for Pam as well).

We report to the Hospital at 6:00 am on Thursday for surgery "scheduled at 7:30 a.m."  It should take until "it is over" per Sam.

Pam will keep you in the know.  Prayerfully, Pam (GG)