Tuesday, November 6, 2012

November 6th, 2012

Hello there!
After 16 yrs of enjoying a cancer free life, I find myself headed for another journey. You all have been very attentive and kind since learning of my positive biopsy and Pam and I are deeply grateful for all the prayers and well wishes.  You all have asked to be in the loop and this seemed the likely way to honor that request.

We will depart for Nashville early Wednesday morning.  At 1:30 pm we report to the Clinic for Pre-Operative treatment and counseling.  The evening at the nearby Hampton Inn will certainly be a lovely liquid diet for me (maybe even for Pam as well).

We report to the Hospital at 6:00 am on Thursday for surgery "scheduled at 7:30 a.m."  It should take until "it is over" per Sam.

Pam will keep you in the know.  Prayerfully, Pam (GG)


  1. We are with you in prayers and spirit.
    Have been thinking of you both all week and are so pleased to see the blog.
    We will be anxiously awaiting every update.

    God Speed!

    Marty & Kent

  2. Just wanted to let you know that we are thinking of you and Pam. Take care and get some much needed rest. Please let us know if there's anything that we can do to help with your recovery.

    -The Virginia McGee's
